Virtual Smartcard release notes & changelog


Virtual Smartcard visualises the physical NHS smartcard into the cloud. This means users can  access their clinical workspace and applications  using a more convenient form of authentication iO like a smartphone, a HR issued card or a bio-metric.

This page details the latest updates and changes to Isosec's Virtual Smartcard service, including but not limited to any major additions, bug-fixes, functionality improvements and alterations and much more.

If you are looking for changes related to the iO Identity Agent, please visit the iO Changelog page 


You can find all our Training & End-User Guides at our Support Hub.


If you have any questions regarding the contents of this page or require any support, please contact


Version 2.7 (13th September 2024)


  • Enhancements
  • Upgrade of server components
  • Minor UI/UX enhancements in vRA Manager and Self-Service portal
  • Added phone verification
  • Enhancements to Authenticator app registration options
  • Security enhancements
  • Bug fixes / hot fixes:
  • Fixed issued with sending out push notifications to users' Authenticator devices
  • Fixed issues with sending out emails to users

Version 2.5 (16th October 2023)


  • Added additional verification of the user using registered email during second factor enrolment on Self-Service portal
  • Upgraded the service to user the latest version of PHP (8.2)
  • Security patches and enhancements
  • Removal of fall-back method for Spine connections made by VSC service (mainly used for Spine tickets' validations)
  • Minor UI/UX enhancements

Version 2.4.2 (22nd August 2023)


  • Upgrade of server components
  • Added search in vRA Manager to allow easy filtering of users across trusts
  • Minor UI/UX enhancements in vRA Manager


  • Fixes to vRA Manager handling of issuing smartcards to users in different organisations

Version 2.4.1 (16th June 2023)

Please note that 2.4.1 was the first release of version 2.4


  • Added functionality to support the resetting of locked passcodes via the authenticators. This will be made available in the next release of the authenticator applications
  • Added functionality to support the display of expiry dates within the authenticators. This will be made available in the next release of the authenticator applications
  • General security enhancements
  • Added functionality to allow users to be assigned to different organisations during user creation and issuance of virtual smartcards to users
  • Major performance enhancements to vRA manager and self-service portal

Defect fixes

  • Several miscellaneous defects have been corrected

Version 2.3.2 (28th March 2023)


  • Major performance enhancement to issuance process
  • Security and performance enhancements
  • User experience enhancements on vRA Manager


  • Usability issue with issuance for V2 users fixed

Version 2.3.1 (14th March 2023)


  • Database query performance enhancements
  • vRA Manager performance enhancements
  • vRA Manager UI/UX enhancements
  • Improvements to emails sent to end users


  • Corrected problem with Issuance of V1 Smartcards

Version 2.3 (8th February 2023)


  • Removal of EPS keys for V1 Smartcards (required for V1 card accreditation)
  • Security Updates
  • Addition of "Expiring Smartcards" page to vRA Manager
  • Added ability to change user names in vRA Manager
  • Automatic updating of user names based on Spine registered names
  • General UX enhancements
  • Database enhancements (precision and performance)

Version 2.2.23 (July 2022) (26th August 2022)


  • VSC-1696 - Added User's UUID to the information shown for a user's virtual smartcard in the self-service portal
  • VSC-1726 - VRA Manager logs now refresh correctly when adding WA from the User Specific Page
  • VSC-1768 - Modified explanatory text on Self-Service page for when user's don't have access to the Authenticator
  • VSC-2554 - Alignment issues corrected for column headers in VRA Manager Windows Accounts tab
  • VSC-2557 - Delete option disabled for default roles in VRA Manager Settings section

Version 2.2.22 (June 2022) (27th June 2022)


  • VSC-1680 - Updated the "Invitation to setup your virtual Smartcard V2" e-mail to make is clearer and add more guidance
  • VSC-1681 - Updated the "Invitation to setup your virtual Smartcard V1" e-mail to make is clearer and add more guidance
  • VSC 1682 - Updated the "Virtual Smartcard setup complete V2" email to make it clearer and add helpful links
  • VSC-1683 - Updated the "Virtual Smartcard Successfully enrolled V1" email to make it clearer and add helpful links
  • VSC-1707 - Added extra guidance to the "Need help?" sections of emails that are sent
  • VSC-3348 - Updated the "Reminder: enrol your Virtual Smartcard V1" e-mail to make it clearer and add more guidance
  • VSC-3349 - Updated the "Reminder: Set up your Virtual Smartcard V2" e-mail to make it clearer and add more guidance

Version 2.2.21 (June 2022) (22nd June 2022)


  • VSC-3307 - Corrected issue that caused occasional failure when deleting device associated with a user via vRA Manager
  • VSC-3337 - Extended vRA Manager to display application client version, platform type and platform version

Version 2.2.17 (1st March 2022)


  • VSC-1708 - Implemented API that performs validation of scanned QR codes for authentication purposes

Version 2.2.16 (16th February 2022)

Bugs fixed

  • VSC-1706 - Fixed issues with RAs and end-users not being able to delete 'MIA' devices from the user's registered device list via vRA Manager and Self-Service Portal 

Version 2.2.14 (24th January 2022)


VSC-1690: Add passcode locked state flag for Authenticator to handle it

VSC-1685: Internal messaging moved to MS Teams

Bugs fixed

VSC-1689: Delete device status is not updating when Application is launched
VSC-1686 - Fixed an issue where users weren't able to reset the Authenticator PIN via vRA manager
VSC-1687 - Fixed issues with Authenticator client picking multiple RA PIN reset tokens in a row

Version 2.2.12 (15th December 2021)

  • Improvements made to Isosec's internal Spine service for ticket validation, certificates & user identity
  • Internal V2 Spine made available for vSC images
  • Refinements made to vSC Health Check Service and Enrolment Reminder emails

Version 2.2.11 (1st December 2021)

  • Resolved bug where users were unable to resend the self-verification email via the Self-Service Portal

Version 2.2.9 (19th November 2021)

  • Fix applied to incorrect card type being displayed on "Pending User" page
  • Improved email and phone number data validation
  • New API endpoints & specifications added for future functionality
  • CVE-2021-28831 security fix applied
  • UI/UX improvements 
  • Various minor small bug fixes.

Version 2.2.8 (8th November 2021)

  • UI/UX and workflow improvements for the vRA Manager and Self-Service Portal
  • Improved error messages for CSV import and file validation
  • CSV sample data recreated due to invalid domain data included
  • OpenAPI specification and new end-points created for future functionality.
  • Improvements to internal tooling to manage customer configuration

Version 2.2.7 (27th September 2021)

  • Security fixes and improvements
  • UI/UX fixes and improvements
  • Additional support/functionality added to migrate legacy organisations
  • API improvements and new functionality added

Version VSC 2.2.2 (22nd July 2021)

  • Code restructuring across the Virtual Smartcard service including iO, Authenticator, and MIA.

Version 2.1 (1st June 2021)

  • Added support for issuing Series 8 cards (iO 9.1 and higher)
  • Improved and optimised logic for VSC issuance
  • Fixed issues with not being able to restart Virtual Smartcard issuance via the vRA Manager once initiated.
  • Fixed key creation issue during Virtual Smartcard issuance in CIS, no errors are now presented to users.
  • Fixed issues with not being able to issue VSC to the user with very long names (longer than 50 characters)
  • Several other minor fixes and improvements related to the VSC issuance process
  • Re-designed user-facing emails for enrolment, passcode reset, and more.
  • Fixed issue where vRA Manager sometimes incorrectly reports an incompatible Authenticator client 

Version VSC 2.0.0 (4th March 2021)

  • Added support for AdES (Advanced Electronic Signature) Virtual Smartcards (V2)
  • All newly issued V2 cards will begin with serial 150 for easier identification in reports
  • Minor UI changes to support AdES Virtual Smartcard issuance & reporting in vRA Manager & user management in the Self-Service Portal
  • A number of fixes/improvements related to Smartcard issuance and enrolment

Version 1.5.5 (30th November 2020)

  • Removed ability to use special characters in VSC passcodes

Version 1.5.3 (29th October 2020)

  • Bug fix applied for pending User AD accounts not being removed when the user has been deleted.
  • Error messaging changed for failed enrolments providing clearer instructions for users.
  • Various backend changes and bug fixes

Version 1.5.2 (14th October 2020)

  • Self-Enrolment email token validity period has now been extended to 14 days
  • Fixed an issue with email links presenting http and not https, preventing some users from enrolling until manually adjusted.
  • Fix implemented for expired enrolment status in vRA Manager
  • Improvements made to the "Pending User" export to include more information
  • Workflow changes introduced for enrolment and Virtual Smartcard passcode resets to be more user friendly. 

Version 1.5.1 (8th October 2020)

  • Various back end fixes and security improvements
  • Improved authentication logging
  • Fixed the issues with not correctly logging the successful authentication with QR codes
  • Fixed the issues with not sending password reset emails for certain scenarios when users locked their virtual smartcards.

Version 1.5.0 (30th September 2020)

Self Service Portal & vRA Manager

  • RAs will no longer specify a phone number during enrolment
  • Users will no longer be required to verify access to a phone number during self-enrolment
  • When logging into the Self-Service Portal, a user must now verify a second factor, or enrol one during login
  • Users will now be given the option to use the Isosec Authenticator or SMS when logging into the Self-Service Portal
  • Users will now be required to verify access to their second factor when resetting their VSC passcode (if they have a second factor configured)
  • RAs can now specify an AD account during enrolment, which will become active once the user's enrolment completes

Version 1.4.14 (16th September 2020)

  • Isosec Authenticator fixes and improvements
  • Backend end security changes

Version 1.4.13 (8th September 2020)

  • Server side MIA fixes for Generic mode
  • VSC Service Health checks are in action

Version 1.4.10 (10th July 2020)

VSC Service 

  • Fixed an issue with submitting feedback from the VRA Manager
  • A number of internal fixes and improvements.
  • Fixed a bug where a white space in phone numbers could cause issues with users receiving SMS. (VSC-915)

Version 1.4.9 (6th July 2020)


  • Internal changes made to build processes and removal of library files.

Version 1.4.8 (1st July 2020)

Security Updates

  • Security updates and changes made across the Virtual Smartcard Service & AWS infrastructure.

Version 1.4.7 (18th June 2020)

vRA Manager

  • Added "AD accounts" and "Devices" view into the Enrolled User view on the vRA Manager - This will enable Registration Authorities to check who has finished their enrolment and can update the necessary accounts.
  • Added ability to search for anything inside of the user's full name string ("<FORENAME> <SURNAME> (<SUBJECTCN>)") within the vRA Manager.
  • Added ability to sort by any field on user listing pages

Version 1.4.6 (15th June 2020)

vRA Manager

  • Moved allowed email domain checking for VSCs to be DB driven
  • Internal Self-Service Portal changes to allow Support to handle additional email domain requests
  • Whitelisted additional email domains at Trust request

Version 1.0.13 (8th January 2019)

Virtual Smartcard



• Added message boxes and better indicators for RAs to see better what issues there are on misconfigured RA machines for vSC issuance

• Made sure that vRA Manager and VSC service is backwards compatible with older versions of iO identity agents

• Added a pop up message for the vSC issuance to be displayed when the vSC service is not available

• Added new authentication method with vSC using push notification only (password-less authentication)


• Added ability to change a user's email address

• Added ability to use apostrophes in the first half of email addresses

• Added logging for email address updates

• Added a log message for when user profile data folder fails to be retrieved

• Added lockout from accounts after repeatedly failing to login to the self-service portal

• Starred out security answers during entry on: VRA enrolment, Self-service password reset, self-service enrolment, self-service update security questions

Issuance Components

• Added new authentication method with vSC using push notification only (password-less authentication)

• Added a new configuration item that can be controlled as a policy maker for allowing authentication with push notifications only or not

• Added functionality that enable building the reader driver for windows 7 and windows 10, 32bit and 64 bit for both platforms

• Added some more logs and more granularity / information to the existing logs

• Added functionality that enables fetching number of successful spine authentications per given vSC and prompt the user for NPS feedback if enabled

• Added a readme file to cover requirements for connecting a vSC on the machine

• Added a pop up message for the vSC issuance to be displayed when the vSC service is not available


• Fixed issue where an RA manager couldn't edit a user's email twice without refreshing the page

• Fixed issue with verification of emails containing apostrophes not working

• Fixed issue with empty windows account lists not showing a message

• Generalised response for login and forgotten password submissions when entering an incorrect email / password

• Fixed the issue with older versions of iO if pushNotification authentication was enabled server side, causing that old iO was receiving a status code that wasn't recognised and therefore forced iO to fall back to QR code / email authentication with vSC

• Added config item to determine aforementioned delay

• Removed "last active" from user list due to performance issues

Number of internal fixes and changes